Crude Oil Refining = Skid Units + Existing Infrastructure

You produce crude oil, but need oil products for local production area consumption?

You are importing and distributing final expensive oil products and would prefer to refine them on spot?

But a coventional "grass-roots refinery" is really too heavy an investment?

Your existing infrastructure looks ready for the addition of refining capacity?

Then, as shown above, you may cut about 70% of the required "grass-roots refinery" financial investment!

Now remains to check if your infrastructure is in line with your project.


FIRST STEP:        

Your part:

  • Analysis of importing , tankfarms, distribution facilities
  • Analysis of local final oil products demand quantities
  • ( LPG, gasoline, premium, kerosene, diesel, light fuel, asphalt, cutback,
  • distillate, blends, bituminous cuts )
  • Analysis of oil products specifications
  • ( octane number, antiknock, vapor pressure, gravity, boiling point, color
  • gums, butane content, induction, sulfur content, aromatics, aniline,
  • boiling range, smoke point, cetane number, cloud point, diesel index,
  • flash point, TBP distillation, ASTM, )
  • Analysis of actual oil products import cost
  • (reference market place, transport cost, availability, oil products reserves)
  • Check of the environment
  • Analysis of produced crude oil export cost

Our part :

  • Analysis of technical feasibility according to available produced crudes
  • (light, sour, sweet crudes means specific treating design )
  • Preliminary analysis of economical elements
  • ( oil price, operating costs, power cost, market demands, heat recovery,
  • efficiency, economical approach, economics of design, project schedule )
  • Preparation of check lists on specific points
  • NEXT STEP preparation






  • In the second barrel, down, are the "products" obtained from 1 bbl of your crude
  • P $ / bbl is the price of your crude, delivered at the reference place
  • Transport and refining costs are just average values for preliminary approach
    crude transport # 2 $ / bbl    
At Reference Place, crude is paid : ( P - 2 ) $ / bbl
          refining # 3 $ / bbl
      products transport # 2 $ / bbl  
At Production Area, "products" cost : ( P + 3 + 2 ) $ / bbl (of crude necessary)
    Exporting crude and importing corresponding oil products show an extra cost of :

( P + 3 + 2 ) - ( P - 2 ) = 7 $ / bbl

If local oil products demand can be obtained refining 10.000 bpd, extra cost will be:

7 $ / bbl * 10.000 * 330 # 21.000.000 $ / year


  • Investment for 10.000 bpd skid refining process units is about 50 milions $

With such a short predictable pay-out time, it seems worth to evaluate the various crudes and infrastructure available on the production area!


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