Mini Refinery at Production Wellhead

Gas-Oil Production   Diesel Unit   Skimming Unit   Topping/Reforming   Feasibility    




Can crude oil refining be designed profitable, on the production area ??

Who is not using oil products on crude production area? gasoline for cars? diesel oil for trucks? ...
Where are oil products imported without existing tankfarm, pumping station, pipelines?...
Where are oil products distributed without existing loading facilities, pumps , road tankers?...

Then, oil products importing and distribution infrastructure already exists and is operating!
Refining crude oil through "grass-roots refinery" is commonly said not to be quite profitable.
May-be yes, may-be no? At least it should be balancing costs, as new plants are still under construction!
Refining investment basic figure for "grass-roots refinery" is commonly admitted in the range of :

US $ 150 millions / 10000 bpsd

"Grass-roots refinery" involves : Infrastructure + Process units

"Infrastructure" involves : Crude import facilities + Products distribution facilities

Investment basic figure for "process units" is commonly verified in the range of :

US $ 50 millions / 10000 bpsd

Why not use existing & operating facilities and strongly cut new refining investment accordingly??

Existing infrastructure at Production Wellhead

Downstream the high pressure valve at well head are usually available:
  • Separator and desalter
  • Crude oil tanks with gauges and stock accounting facilities
  • Pipelines and pumping out facilities with centrifugal pumps and flow metering
  • Gas handling and recovery system reinjection with reciprocating compressors
  • Tests and analysis laboratory

Existing final products Distribution Facilities

Oil products local distribution center commonly includes:
  • Tank farm with various types of reservoir : floating roof , fixed roof tanks, pressure spheres or bullets
  • Major oil products : LPG, leaded or unleaded gasoline, kerosine, diesel oil, domestic fuel, heavy fuel
  • Pumping facilities : centrifugal or screw or reciprocating high pressure pumps
  • Metering equipment : volumetric flow measurement with temperature correction or mass flow measurement
  • Loading facilities : loading bay, loading arms, safety return loop, overpressure protection, safety valves
  • Transport : road tankers, rail tankers
  • Safety and firefighting system : fire trucks, fire water reserve and pressure loop, foam reservoir and circuit

Existing Production and Distribution Company

Less visible but quite as important is the present company task force:
  • Finance , commercial activity and relations with administration
  • Personnel management of fully trained crew
  • Trained loading operators, laboratory chemists, control room operators
  • Maintenance mechanists, electricians, electronics technicists

New refining modular Units to be designed

New modular refining units are lined upstream to crude production and downstream to products distribution
  • New units are upgrading existing infrastructure to a "grass-roots" refinery of same crude oil skimming capacity
  • Basic unit is the crude oil topping delivering the right oil cuts from the selected crude as feedstock

Other skid units are optional:

  • Catalitic reformer, for production of leaded or unleaded gasoline
  • Catalytic hydrotreater treating with hydrogen the naphtha feedstock for the reformer
  • Gas-plant for L.P.G supply from deethaniser, depropanizer, debutanizer, stabilizer, stripper
  • Vacuum distillation for heavy products : heavy fuel, asphalt, bituminous cuts

Advantages of modular Refinery Units

Compared to grass-roots refinery, investment is divided by about 3 for equivalent capacity, and as consequence:
  • Pay-out may be arranged over short period: 3 to 5 years instead of usual 15 years
  • No duplication of most existing infrastructure, meaning no duplication of corresponding operating costs
  • No duplication of existing facilities, means no duplication of corresponding environment harmful problems
  • Gas from oil well separator may be associated to heat balance of new skid units
  • No oversizing necessary to anticipate oil products market demand over a long term period
  • Optimization of yields and units severity, as full capacity operation is possible over the pay out period
  • Operating costs reduce to a minimum, as full capacity operation is possible
  • Best processes, most recent equipment and last available catalysts chosen for the short term pay out period
  • Best thermal efficiency chosen for pipestill, topping heaters and other furnaces
  • Easy revamp of some skids to follow new local market requirements after pay out period
  • Easy revamp of particular skids to follow new crude oil analysis changes over the pay out period
  • Easy geographical move of skid units after some years, if economical approach has changed
  • Easy addition of extra skid units to follow new market demand
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